Snow Queen vs. Marble Queen Pothos: Comparison
Table of Contents
- Comparison of Snow Queen vs. Marble Queen Pothos
- Physical Properties
- Growth Rate
- Snow Queen and Marble queen Pothos Care
- Soil
- Watering
- Lighting
- Pruning
- Support and Trimming
- Pests and Diseases Control
- Fertilizer Application
- Marble Queen Pothos and Snow Queen Pothos Propagation
- Which is Better, Snow Queen or Marble Queen Pothos?
- FAQs
Many gardeners usually need help with comparing snow queen vs. marble queen pothos. That is mainly because the two plants have many similarities that can be confusing, especially to beginner gardeners. One of the similarities between snow queen pothos vs. marble queen pothos is that both plants are varieties of the pothos plant or Epipremnum aureum.
Snow Queen and marble queen pothos have the same variegated leaf shapes with pale marks. Besides, both great houseplants make an incredible décor statement in every space. Nonetheless, they also have subtle differences that distinguish each variety. So, what is the difference between snow queen vs. marble queen pothos?
Comparison of Snow Queen vs. Marble Queen Pothos
You can apply various elements of comparison in snow queen vs. marble queen pothos. The following article will highlight how the two plants compare, detailing the key aspects and characteristics that distinguish them.
Physical Properties
Among the easiest ways to tell the difference between Epipremnum snow queen and marble queen is by examining their physical properties. Although the two pothos varieties share a wide range of physical properties, they are not without some distinguishable features. The central physical aspect of snow queen vs. marble queen pothos pertains to their foliage.
The first thing you will notice when comparing snow queen vs. marble queen pothos is that snow queen has whiter markings than marble queen. The white marks on the snow queen are much brighter and starker, while those on the marble queen have creamier shades.
Snow queen pothos’ leaves have about 80% white markings and 20% green shade. Marble queen pothos also has variegated leaves with 50% white and 50% green hues. The intense white markings on the snow queen give it a bolder and more dramatic visual appeal, easily distinguishable from the marble queen’s subtle looks. These traits make it easier to distinguish between snow queen vs. marble queen pothos.
The other thing you will notice when comparing snow queen vs. marble queen pothos is about the physical appearance. Snow queen leaves are almost entirely blanched. On the other hand, the marble queen’s leaves have greener and warmer hues, with relatively less variegation than the snow queen. While the leaves of both plants are heart-shaped, the snow queen’s leaf has slightly pointed tips.
Comparing the physical properties of snow queen vs. marble queen pothos also requires you to consider the height of the two plants. Although marble queen and snow queen pothos can grow to different sizes, the former is usually taller. A mature marble queen pathos plant can reach up to 6 feet tall, while a snow queen can only rise to 4 feet.
Growth Rate
Growth rate is also another aspect to consider when comparing snow queen vs. marble queen pothos. Snow Queen and marble queen are varieties of the same plant, implying they require similar growing conditions. However, there is a stark difference between marble queen pothos vs. snow queen pothos growth rates. Studies and reports from multiple gardeners show snow queen has a slower growth rate than marble queen. Unlike its counterpart, the marble queen has more green chlorophyll in its leaves, enabling it to photosynthesize and grow faster.
The marble queen is perfect if you want a pathos variety that grows faster and more vigorously. Although the snow queen also adopts a climbing growth habit, it is more compact and usually takes much longer to develop. The vigorous marble queen pothos growth rate requires more potting soil. Besides, the marble queen also needs a larger pot and more space to hang or place it. On the other hand, snow queens can thrive well in more modest containers and openings due to their slower growth rate.
The faster growth rate of marble queen pothos also means you may have to do pruning more frequently to keep the vines in check. While that might seem more demanding to some gardeners, trimming the plant lets you control its growth and get a more compact and nice bush.
Snow Queen and Marble queen Pothos Care
Like other houseplants, snow queen and marble queen pothos also require proper care to keep them strong and healthy over time. While marble queen and snow queen pothos care entail similar activities, some disparities exist. Both plant varieties require temperatures of about 18 – 23 degrees Celsius or 65 – 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Here are other requirements and maintenance practices to consider when comparing snow queen vs. marble queen pothos.
Snow queen pothos and marble queen pothos prefer loose, well-drained soil to thrive. However, the marble queen needs more potting soil to develop its roots. Even the pot for growing marble queen pothos should be deeper and broader to cater to its rapid growth rate. The snow queen can grow to maturity in just a tiny amount of soil and container size.
Watering cycle is also worth considering when comparing snow queen vs. marble queen pothos. Although snow queen and marble queen pothos require frequent watering, the cycles are slightly different. And this is a vital consideration when comparing snow queen vs. marble queen pothos. Marble queen usually needs watering at least once weekly to remain healthy and flourish. However, the snow queen can hold water for up to 10 days between watering cycles since it also grows slowly.
That makes it relatively more resilient than marble queen. However, the watering cycles will mainly depend on the condition of the soil and weather patterns. Depending on the precipitation in your area, you can water the plants almost every two weeks during winter months. Nevertheless, you should avoid overwatering the plants since that could cause root rot.
Lighting also matters when comparing snow queen vs. marble queen pothos. Both pothos varieties also require proper lighting to remain strong and flourish. While they all need indirect sunlight exposure, the illumination for snow queen pothos should be brighter than that of marble queen. You may wonder, can a marble queen become a snow queen? The answer to that question is partly related to the plant’s lighting requirements. According to some studies, limiting the marble queen’s light exposure can make its leaves greener than white, imitating the looks of the snow queen.
Pruning is an essential aspect of the marble snow queen pothos care that you may want to look into when comparing snow queen vs. marble queen pothos. While both plants will require pruning sometimes, marble queen pothos is usually more demanding. Unlike its competitor, marble queen pothos’ vigorous growth rate means you will trim unruly vines more frequently. However, you should apply different pruning strategies for exceptional results.
Support and Trimming
Putting a hole at the center of the pot is the first place to start if you are seeking a marble queen’s climbing form. Then, you should carefully trim the protruding side branches to the desired shape. You will also need to shorten its height from time to time based on the length of the supports and your expectations. Frequent trimming will be necessary if you want the plant to create a shrub. Alternatively, a few pruning will give you a nice bush.
Pruning is a vital consideration when comparing snow queen vs. marble queen pothos. The snow queen does not need pruning as its counterpart, mainly because it grows much slower. The plant can last longer duration without exceeding the acceptable length and width. However, trim off any worn out, damaged, or disease-infested leaves to keep the plant in good health. Always use sharp and sterile scissors when pruning to avoid unnecessary damage and the spread of diseases.
Pests and Diseases Control
Pests and diseases are another factor for snow queen vs. marble queen pothos comparison. Snow queen pothos and marble queen pothos are susceptible to various pests and diseases. However, the levels of susceptibility vary from one plant to another. People consider the snow queen more vulnerable to diseases and pests than the marble queen. Among the most common infections affecting the snow queen is fungal spore damage, which appears as brown leaf spots. Root rot is another common disease experienced on pothos plants. It results from excessive watering and makes the leaves mushy and black, with a bad smell.
Marble queen generally has a stronger immunity than snow queen, but it could still suffer pest and disease infestations. Nonetheless, snow queen vs. marble queen pothos vulnerability to pests and diseases mainly depends on the growing conditions and care given to the plants.
Fertilizer Application
Conducting a proper snow queen vs. marble queen pothos comparison also requires you to look into the two plants’ fertilizing requirements. While both pothos varieties need a boost of nutrients for better growth and development, they have diverse fertilizing requirements. If you have marble queen pothos, you should treat the plants to a slow-release water-soluble fertilizer at least twice in the growing season. Marble queen generally needs more nutritious soil to complement their faster growth rate. However, snow queen pathos can flourish with just one fertilizer application at the start of the growing season.
While the marble queen and snow queen do not necessarily need fertilizers, adding more nutrients can boost their appearance significantly. You should use fertilizers with more nitrogen than phosphorus and potassium. That will facilitate better foliage development, giving the leaves a more striking glossy appeal.
Marble Queen Pothos and Snow Queen Pothos Propagation
Propagation procedures are also essential when comparing snow queen vs. marble queen pothos. Propagation refers to the process of growing new plants from existing ones. Both plants can be propagated, depending on your needs. However, marble queen pothos propagation is much easier than snow queen pothos. That is because of its faster growth rate and frequent pruning requirements that enable you to generate plenty of cuttings for propagation.
You can propagate marble queen pothos in water or soil, but the latter usually ensures better and quicker rooting. Start by cutting the stems between the nodes (sections with tiny protrusions or new growth). Be careful not to cut the stems right at the nodes since that would prevent rooting. Then, carefully place the cuttings in soil or water.
Potting at least three cuttings in one container is advisable to get a nice and plush complete plant. The cuttings will start rooting in a few weeks under optimal conditions. You can keep the plants in the same pot or repot them in new containers.
Which is Better, Snow Queen or Marble Queen Pothos?
The above sections have discussed the vital elements of disparity in snow queen vs. marble queen pothos. However, many people may still need help choosing one from the other. Consider a few things when comparing snow queen vs. marble queen pothos to determine the right fit for your home.
When choosing between snow-white pothos and marble queens, the key aspects to consider are the plant’s growing conditions, growth rate, and care. Growing conditions mainly pertain to the desired temperature and humidity levels, sunlight exposure, watering, soil type, and fertilizer requirements. Also, ask this question, is snow queen pathos rare?
Marble queen pothos requires more soil and a larger container to ensure its vigorous growth and development. It also needs shorter watering cycles than snow queen pothos. Besides, maintaining marble queen pothos’ faster growth rate makes it more demanding in terms of fertilizers. You should apply fertilizers to marble queen pothos at least twice during the growing season. Snow queen pothos only needs fertilizers at the start of the growing season. Comparing snow queen vs. marble queen pothos can be challenging because they require similar growing conditions. However, marble queen pothos can be more demanding and care-intensive than snow queen pothos.
The care procedures for snow queen and marble queen pothos are relatively the same. However, marble queen pothos requires frequent pruning because of their rapid growth rate. That could translate into more hassles for some gardeners. Thus, snow queen pothos would be the best choice if you need a low-maintenance pothos plant.
Is marble queen pathos rare? That may be what you’re wondering. While hard-to-find varieties of the pothos plant exist, snow queen and marble queen pothos are typical. You can easily find them in local nurseries and even online retailers. Due to their distinctive variegated foliage, many growers usually consider marble queen pothos as more attractive and a bit pricey than snow queen pothos. Nonetheless, the above snow queen vs. marble queen pothos comparison provides all the help you need to determine the most suitable pothos for your home.
Can marble queen pothos turn into snow queen pothos?
No, marble queen pothos cannot turn into snow queen and vice versa. That’s because these plants have several unique and immutable properties. However, giving your marble queen pothos plenty of bright light can enhance its variegation to look almost like a snow queen.
How do I identify a marble queen pothos?
While marble queen pothos has various distinctive qualities from the other pothos varieties, its foliage is the easiest way to identify it. The plant has heart-shaped leaves with evenly distributed green and white hues. It is also taller than other pothos varieties.
What is the rarest pothos?
There are several varieties of the pothos plant that you can grow at home. While most of them are easy to find, many people consider the harlequin pothos the rarest type that mimics the combined looks of marble queen vs. snow queen pothos.
How is golden pothos different from marble queen pothos?
Both pothos varieties are almost similar in appearance, but you can easily spot little disparities in the foliage hues. Marble queen pothos has white and green shades, while golden pothos has golden variegation patterns.
Why is my marble queen turning white?
The main reason why marble queen pothos usually turns white is because of insufficient light. It means your plants are trying hard to reach for the sunshine with little success. The condition also results in smaller leaves.
What is the hardest pothos to find?
The harlequin pothos is the hardest-to-find variety, also considered the most expensive. However, other rare pothos varieties include Manjula pothos, emerald pothos, and Jessenia pothos.