How to Propagate Wandering Jew| Quick Guide
Learning how to propagate Wandering Jew enables you to create lush and healthy plants in your home quickly. Also known as Zebrina pendula or Tradescantia zebrina, Wandering Jew is a fast-growing indoor plant with trailing stems and green and purple leaves that display silvery stripes. Wandering Jews have been proven effective in air filtration, helping you to maintain fresh and clean air indoors. That’s why many people want to learn how to propagate Wandering Jew.
Besides improving indoor air quality, Wandering Jews can boost focus and memory. Also, having healthy and lush Wandering Jews in your home can infuse tranquility and beauty. Maybe these are the reasons you want to learn how to propagate Wandering Jew.
Plant propagation is a more effective and efficient way to reproduce new plants from one parent plant. While plant propagation is standard among growers today, many still ask, can you propagate Wandering Jew? It is possible to reproduce Wandering Jews, and various options exist to achieve that. However, there are a few things about the plants and the process that you may want to know beforehand. Learning how to propagate Wandering Jew is vital if you love this plant.
Growing multiple Wandering Jew plants in your home can significantly boost indoor air quality and tranquility. Instead of buying several new plants, you can learn how to propagate a Wandering Jew at home independently. Knowing how to propagate pink Wandering Jew, for instance, will save you money and time. Besides, it would also help you to develop a new exciting hobby with significant benefits to your home and the environment.
Sometimes, you may not have Wandering Jews, but you plan to start growing them. If that is the case, find out how to grow full Wandering Jew first. One of the things to note about this plant is that it can thrive in all-purpose indoor potting mix in pots or baskets. Wandering Jews also love the filtered sun without direct exposure to sunlight. The plants do well in temperatures between 55 degrees and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
To those who need to learn how to grow Wandering Jew inside, you should also note that the plants require frequent watering. However, allow the soil to dry before watering again. It is also advisable to reduce the watering cycles in winter months. That is because the plants trap and retain lots of moisture from the atmosphere during the wet months, and more watering could quickly submerge them.
One may also ask, do Wandering Jews like to be root bound? Wandering Jews are root bound since the plants usually grow extensively and can thrive well in the same pot or container you bought them in. However, it is essential to note that root-bound plants are often vulnerable to under-watering and excessive water since the roots can clog the soil and prevent proper drainage. That’s among the reasons to learn how to propagate Wandering Jew before growing it.
Understanding how to grow Wandering Jew indoors requires you to know the recommended fertilization cycles. You should apply fertilizer at least twice a month to boost nutrients. Growers may still perform other cultural practices, but the above activities are critical for those who want to know how to make Wandering Jew bushy.
Guidelines on How to Propagate Wandering Jew
Whether you grow purple, pink, or tricolor Wandering Jews, these plants have similar properties and requirements for their growth. Thus, even the steps on how to propagate Wandering Jew are identical to all the varieties. Here are quick guidelines on how to propagate a Wandering Jew plant.
1. How to propagate Wandering Jew from Cutting
Before learning how to propagate Wandering Jew, you require cuttings from a mature Wandering Jew plant to create new plants. This approach could be the easiest way to learn how to propagate Wandering Jew. The process mainly entails removing cuttings from healthy mature plants. One of the crucial things to keep in mind during the process is where to cut Wandering Jew for propagation. Experts recommend cutting the stem just below the node. A Wandering Jew node is a small protrusion that resembles a bud or a new leaf starting to grow.
The new roots will develop at the node during propagation. Cutting the stem below the latest leaf is advisable if you do not see a node. While the steps on how to cut and propagate Wandering Jew may vary slightly, the best cutting should measure about 4 to 6 inches. Use clean and sharp scissors to cut the stem carefully and precisely without damaging other parts of the plant. Perhaps, this is a vital tip when learning how to propagate wandering jew from cutting.
2. Propagating Wandering Jew in Water
Propagating plants in water is an old-age method that people have used on many plants for centuries. And it’s an excellent way to learn how to propagate Wandering Jew. Usually, people consider it more effective in plants with thick stems, such as Wandering Jews. First, fill a jar or drinking glass with lukewarm water. The ideal container for propagating Wandering Jew in water should have a narrow bottom and a wide top.
Pull the leaves from the lower parts of the stem. That’s because those inside the water will likely make the cutting rot. The other important aspect of how to propagate Wandering Jew plant in water is the setup. Remember, intense or direct sunlight and heat may hinder rooting. So, carefully place the cutting in water and set the container in a place with access to mild sunlight. Window sills are the best places to put the container.
Experts recommend replacing the water in the container to maintain the same level throughout the rooting process. The roots should remain submerged in water, but keep the leaves above the water level. Perhaps, you may wonder, can Wandering Jew live in water forever? It usually takes about one to four weeks for the roots to appear.
However, please wait until the roots grow to a few inches long to transplant them. Plant the cuttings in a pot and mix them with commercial potting soil. You can either root and place one cutting per pot or plant several cuttings in one container to give the perception of a full-sized Wandering Jew plant. With this knowledge you can tell anyone you know how to propagate Wandering Jew in water and even demonstrate it.
3. Propagating Wandering Jew in Soil
Unlike water propagation, propagating Wandering Jew in the soil is a bit effort-intensive. However, the main difference lies in the mediums used. To learn how to propagate Wandering Jew plant in soil, begin filling a container with moistened potting mix. Then, carefully remove the leaves from the stem’s lower half and plant the cuttings in the container with potting mixture.
It is not always necessary, but you may dip the cuttings’ ends in the rooting hormone before planting to facilitate quick rooting. You can grow as many cuttings in a single container as you wish, provided the leaves and stems do not overlap. Then, cover the lid of the container or pot with a plastic bag. Secure the bag with a rubber band to prevent loss of moisture.
Place the pot with the cuttings in bright and indirect sunlight areas for optimal rooting. When learning how to propagate purple Wandering Jew in soil, it is also important to note that the process does not require water. The plastic bag on the lid will keep the soil moist for several weeks, so you do not need to water it.
However, that also begs the question, how long does it take to propagate Wandering Jew? Wandering Jews that you breed in soil usually develop new growth in about one month. That means the cuttings have rooted and are ready for planting. Then, you can remove the plastic bag to give the new growth proper breathing space. Using is also a nice approach when learning how to propagate Wandering Jew, provided you have potting soil or mixture.
Caring for Wandering Jew After Rooting
Apart from the steps on how to propagate my Wandering Jew discussed above, there are some additional practices that you should also perform to keep the plants healthy and robust. Wandering Jews usually do well in moderate to bright light and temperatures of about 55 degrees to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, have this in mind as you learn how to propagate Wandering Jew.
Watering is one of the essential requirements for keeping your new Wandering Jew plants strong and healthy after rooting. Water them deeply whenever the soil feels dry to keep it moist. However, be careful to let the water drain properly since excessive water will make the potting soil foggy and likely cause rot. Unlike how to root a Wandering Jew in water, watering new plants is quite different. The rule of thumb is to water them every 3 to 4 days and adjust watering based on the plant’s needs and the environment.
Bottom watering is usually the best and most straightforward way to water your new Wandering Jews. The process mainly involves placing the pot or container with new plants in a water-filled sink. That will allow the soil to absorb as much water as it needs through the drainage holes. Let the pot sit inside the sink for about 10 minutes, then pull it out and drain excess water. Please have this in mind when learning how to propagate Wandering Jew.
Regular fertilization is also essential to ensure that your Wandering Jews have adequate nutrients to develop and thrive. Thus, you should master this besides learning how to propagate Wandering Jew. Apply fertilizer to the newly rooted plants every month. Various options exist, but you should use a water-soluble fertilizer. You can change the frequency of fertilization to a weekly basis in summer and spring. However, only do this after the plants are established and growing.
Wandering Jews can thrive in almost any potting mix, but the soil must have proper drainage. If you use a homemade potting mix, consider adding peat moss, perlite, organic compost, and some garden soil. Fertilization is essential, but avoid planting your Wandering Jew in fertilized soil.
Also, learning how to propagate purple Wandering Jew alone is not enough. You should know some common problems of this plant. Leggy growths and pests are the most significant issues you need to know how to address. The main pests that usually feed on Wandering Jews include spider mites, gnats, and aphids. Those insects cause slight random damage but can quickly overwhelm newly propagated plants. Spraying neem oil on plants can effectively rid them of such pests.
Leggy growth occurs when the plants grow longer than they should. That usually creates problems with the stems and can even kill your Wandering Jew if you don’t address it sooner. The main reason for leggy growth is the lack of adequate light, so the plants try hard to reach sunlight. Fixing that is relatively easy since you will only need to move the plants to new locations with better access to sunlight. However, avoid exposing the plants to direct sunlight. Also, trim away some of the leggy growths to a minimum.
Final Word
Wandering Jews are beautiful potted plants with significant health and environmental benefits. While you can still buy young plants from growers, learning how to propagate Wandering Jew is more cost-effective and efficient. Many growers recommend soil as the best way to propagate Wandering Jew, but water is also adequate. Nonetheless, the above article provides the essentials to help you to learn how to propagate Wandering Jew effectively.
How do I propagate Wandering Jew plant?
There are two ways how to propagate Wandering Jew. You can either propagate your Wandering Jews in water or soil. Although both methods are effective, the propagation mediums and procedures vary.
Can you propagate Wandering Jew plant in water?
Yes, you can propagate Wandering Jews in water. The process mainly involves placing the cuttings in a pot with lukewarm water under mild sunlight and at room temperature. New growth will start to appear in about one to four months.
Does Wandering Jew need sun or shade?
Like all plants, Wandering Jews also need adequate light to facilitate photosynthetic processes. While they require moderate sunlight, shade and areas with meager light can hinder the plants from keeping their colors. Place the plants in areas with access to bright and filtered sun.
Can you propagate Wandering Jew in water?
Yes, propagating Wandering Jew in water is possible and considered one of the oldest methods. It is also the easiest way to propagate Wandering Jew.
How long do Wandering Jews last?
Wandering Jews are potted plants with relatively limited lifespans of just a few years. Nonetheless, a Wandering Jew will usually become bushy and leggy after about 2 to 3 years.
Is it better to propagate Tradescantia in soil or water?
Wandering Jews can develop rooting in water, but cuttings usually develop better roots when placed in a potting mix without soil. Sand and perlite are the best mediums. Propagating the plants in water carries a high risk of rotting.