Garrett Ace 350 Metal Detector Reviews
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The Garrett Ace 350 is the perfect metal detector for a highly optimized treasure hunt and comes with very powerful features.
Manufactured by Garrett, it is one of the metal detectors on the upper spectrum, which delivers an incredible performance during your treasure hunts and this comes at a relatively low cost.
The Garrett Ace 350 is an effective relic hunting device from the same manufacturer and does not have the defects of the older relic hunting machines. Instead, you will get greater detection capabilities and a powerful electronic pinpointing feature amongst others.
The Garrett Ace 350 provides very powerful and highly efficient coin identification and it is also built with the much coveted LCD screen which truly enhances the user experience of the metal detector.
It has good depth and good iron discrimination to help you save on time and optimize the use of the metal detector. You will also appreciate the 11’ DD Pro-Performance Coil that gives it a better depth over the old model series such as the Garrett Ace 250.
Garrett Ace 350 Features and Specifications
• Employs a very powerful search coil based on the 11’ DD Pro-Performance Coil that guarantees a top performance. It is one of the best coils in its class. The DD feature gives you greater detection depth as it’s able to minimize the electromagnetic radiation due to the various external influences such as the mineral composition of the soils in the area where you plan to carry out a search.
• Greater iron discrimination provided by the Garrett Ace 350’s enhanced iron discrimination features. You can therefore focus entirely on your treasure hunt without distraction from any of the undesirable elements in your path.
• Has included Garret volume control headphones which allow you to carry out a private search in public places
• Highly sophisticated electronic pinpointing capability that offers greater efficiency and quick recovery.
• The Garrett Ace 350 coil offers perfect ground coverage.
• The Garrett Ace 350 offers multiple search modes, with up to five search modes.
• There is excellent buoyancy on top of the water and the metal detector has a near perfect waterproof design.
• The metal detector also operates at a higher frequency than many others in its class. The Garrett Ace 350 has an 8.25KHz operating frequency and this means you can detect smaller precious metals and coins when you are out relic hunting.
• The Garrett Ace 350 comes with a very generous warranty and has a list price of $349.95 although you can better deals by taking advantage of the promotional offers. This is a great and powerful metal detector and it is certainly worth its price.