Best Fisher Metal Detectors- Reviews and Buying Guide
Metal detectors have been around for decades. They have helped us stay safe in airports and sea ports and discover hidden items buried in the soil.
Today, there are many manufacturers of metal detectors all over the world. But they will all not be here today if not for The Fisher Research Laboratory.
Overview of the company
The Fisher Research Laboratory is oldest manufacturer of metal detectors in the world. However, like all great inventions, the creation of the metal detector happened by accident.
In the late 1920s, a German immigrant named Dr. Gerhard Fisher created navigational devices designed for airplanes. But when these items were placed on the cockpit, the pilots frequently reported that the device would malfunction every time it came across a metal object.
After studying what caused this error, Dr. Fisher discovered that the errors were the result of highly conductive and mineralized areas. This led him to conduct further studies, and on 1931, he was able to create the first home built metal detector called the “Metallascope” or M-scope in his own garage.
The Metallascope has two large and flat wooden boxes that contain coils of copper, five vacuum tubes, and other assorted components.
Of course, compared to the modern day metal-detectors, the Metallascope will seem useless, but its creation paved the way for the development and progress of Fisher metal detectors.
Metal detectors of today
Even before the World War II, Fisher metal detectors have already been used in almost every field of profession. Geologist used it to discover ore, utility companies were able to find buried pipes, and police and other law enforcement agencies were able to find abandoned or hidden weapons.
Today, these professions still use the metal detector because of the great help it provides. Fisher metal detectors are a truly reliable brand because of the company’s experience with the product.
They have done extensive research with the metal detector and the results have allowed them to make metal detectors that are smaller, easier to use, and more accurate.
Fisher is currently selling three kinds of metal detectors and each one of them serves a specific purpose. These are hobby metal detectors, industrial metal detectors, and metal detectors for security purposes.
The hobby metal detector
Fisher’s hobby metal detectors come in different models like the underwater metal detector, gold nugget detector, and relic or coin detector. These Fisher metal detectors look like walking sticks or canes that have metal rings at one end.
Each metal detector has its own volume and frequency control that allows the user to find almost anything without getting any signal interference from other metal detectors.
Hobby metal detectors cost around $700 to $800 each.
Industrial metal detectors
This is a high powered metal detector that can help industrial companies find hidden pipes, cables, and others.
An industrial metal detector looks different and is more powerful than a hobby metal detector. It can be very heavy so it is not suitable for hobbyists.
The TW-6 is a Fisher industrial metal detector model that is one of the most powerful and accurate instruments in the market today.
However, the TW-6 weighs 5.5 lbs or 2 kilos so hobbyists will easily get tired if they are going to use it for hours of searching. Compared to a hobby metal detector, the cost of an industrial metal detector is a lot more expensive. One unit can cost around $1,000 to $2,000.
Metal detectors for security purposes
Fisher creates only two models of security metal detectors—the M-Scope Walkthrough and the CW-10 Hand-held.
We are very familiar with this kind of security metal detectors. We go through them every time we enter the airport and malls.
The M-Scope Walkthrough metal detector is usually placed along entrances where everyone is required to walk through it. It will produce a sound when it detects a persons with a metal object in his person. Guards and security personnel passes the CW-10 Hand-held along a person’s body and it will produce a sound when it detects something.
An M-Scope Walkthrough costs around $1,000 and up while the Hand-held costs $500 to $700.
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