Do Plants Die of Old Age? - Trees' Lifespans
Although we all agree that plants have lifespans, many people still often ask, do plants die of old age? Is it normal for plants to die? Like other living things, plants also have lifespans, implying they eventually die at some point. However, plant life expectancy is not precisely like humans or animals, and death does not always result from old age. At this juncture, you are probably asking the following questions:
What causes plants to die?
How long do plants live and why?
Do plants die of old age?
How do plants die naturally?
The science behind plant mortality requires us to look into different elements to understand how plants die and whether it occurs naturally or as a result of other factors. This article will critically answer the question, do plants die of old age? Then, it will also provide more insights into plant life expectancy and factors that affect it.
Do Plants Die of Old Age? – Factors Affecting Plant Lifespan
Multiple scientific studies have proven all plants eventually die. However, some researchers reveal plants have no specific lifespans. For example, a recent New York Botanical Garden study sought to answer the question, do plants have a lifespan? The researchers established that, although plants have different lifespans, some have a specific life expectancy.
Plants known as annuals live for just one growing season or year and die. Biennials have a lifespan of up to two years, while perennials can live for more than two years, sometimes lasting many decades. So, do plants die of old age or other reasons?
This blog post focuses on answering the question, do plants die of old age? However, it is essential to note there are two main types of plants. The first category is monocarpic plants that reproduce only once before mortality. The second one is polycarpic plants that reproduce several times before death. However, some botanists have also discovered an additional category of plants that can only reproduce up to five times.
The study cited above showed although some plants have specified lifespans, the overall plant life expectancy depends on various factors, including their growing conditions, care, and variety. That implies the lifespans of houseplants heavily rest with you. Nonetheless, the following are the main factors that affect plant lifespan and partly answers the question, do plants die of old age?
Growing Conditions
Plants undergo multiple stages of growth and development, which are vital considerations when answering the question, do plants die of old age? The main steps include germination, rooting, vegetative, shooting, and blooming. All these stages are critical to plant growth and require specific conditions for success. The failure to provide the optimal conditions to see the plant through those stages could result in stunted growth and other risks, including premature death.
After the growth phase, the plant will also need adequate light, heat, water, humidity, and nutrients to flourish and mature. However, plants have different growing conditions. That implies the amount of light, heat, water, and nutrients vary from one plant variety to another. While some plants can still tolerate inadequate growing conditions and develop, many will naturally die if they do not get optimal conditions for growth and development.
Death may occur at any stage of growth or development if the plants fail to receive the required conditions. And this partly answers the question, do plants die of old age? Some plants may not reach old age due to the lack of appropriate conditions. However, some resilient plant species may overcome their harsh growing conditions and reach maturity due to genetics and other factors.
So, when do plants die naturally or do plants die of old age? It is also important to note that plants do not usually have a set time or age when they are considered old. Instead, plant growth is indeterminate, meaning they keep growing with almost zero limitations if the conditions are right.
Among the reasons for that is the plant tissue known as meristems. Meristemic cells in the roots and plant tips are perpetually embryonic and can change into different cell types severally. That allows plants to keep growing indefinitely, even without optimal conditions.
Do plants die in winter? Cold and freezing temperatures, longer dark hours, and frost or snow mainly characterize the winter season. Generally, most plants can die of extreme weather conditions in winter. However, some plants, such as pansies, snowdrops, winter aconite, and hellebore, are resilient and thrive in the freezing winter.
Wild plants can survive fluctuations in growing conditions and live for thousands of years. That could make you wonder, do houseplants die of old age? Unlike plants that grow out in the wild, houseplants are usually very sensitive and can quickly die, even before maturity, without the right conditions. Nonetheless, houseplants also die of old age.
Despite the unique ability of wild plants to survive varying conditions, they remain subject to natural forces. Elements such as floods, wildfires, droughts, and diseases can indefinitely threaten and end the lives of plants. Besides, soil nutrients can also be exhausted, starving plants to death even before they hit maturity. So, are you still asking, do plants die of old age?
The growing conditions also depend on the particular locations where the plants grow, which are vital considerations when answering the question, do plants die of old age? Some environments are subject to a wide range of pressures that can alter the plants’ growing settings and lifespans. For example, many urban plants usually have shorter lifespans due to the limited room for growth, pollution, and soil interference.
So, do plants get old and die under optimal growing conditions? Yes, all plants eventually get old and die, but it is challenging to set a specific time limit for those processes will occur. That’s because every plant’s lifespan depends on several other factors, not just the growing conditions.
Plant Care
Care is among the things to consider when answering the question, do plants die of old age? Besides providing the required growing conditions for your plants, they also need continuous care to thrive. Plant care procedures vary depending on the species, location, and needs. One of the primary care procedures is pest and disease control.
Plants attract different types of pests and diseases that can significantly hamper their health and overall lifespan. Some pests and diseases can stunt growth, while others could also kill the plant indefinitely if humans don’t eradicate them on time and effectively.
Another question that arises is, do plants feel pain? While it is difficult to describe how pain manifests in plants, any activity hindering their proper growth and development is considered harmful. Besides pest and disease control, neglecting essential care procedures such as fertilization and pruning can also affect plants’ lifespans. So, do plants die of old age or the lack of proper care?
Most plants require nutrient boosts from time to time to stay healthy and flourish. Thus, failing to add nutrients at the specified times may impair the health of your plants and starve them to death in extreme situations. Therefore, you must recognize proper nutrition when answering the question, do plants die of old age?
Pruning is not mandatory for all plants, but most houseplants require the procedure. Trimming houseplants enable you to control their growth over time. It also helps eradicate pests and diseases, extending the plant’s lifespan. Besides, pruning also eliminates old, damaged, and excessive leaves, reducing the plants’ strain for nutrients, water, and light.
Plant care is essential to maintaining proper plant health and extending life expectancy. However, successful plant growth and development depend on other factors besides care. Plants can still grow to maturity even without proper care, provided the growing conditions are right. Nevertheless, old age and mortality remain inevitable even for plants that receive the best care and growing conditions. So, although care matters, it’s only a partial aspect of the answer to the question, do plants die of old age?
Plant Variety
Plant variety is also an essential factor to consider when answering the question of do plants die of old age. That is because some plants can live for thousands of years and survive even the harshest conditions. For example, the Kew Gardens in London recently announced they have a 242-year-old Eastern Cape cycad growing in a pot since 1775.
According to the Royal Horticulture Society in London, Wisley Gardens have over 100 years-old cast iron plants or aspidistras. Cast iron plants got their name from the Victorian Era, indicating their unique ability to survive even exposure to gaslight fumes that can instantly kill other plants. People consider such plant varieties the most resilient and almost impossible to kill. Therefore, this variety is a good consideration if the reason for asking, do plants die of old age, is to choose the tree to plant in your garden.
Trees are undoubtedly the oldest plants that can withstand harsh conditions and live for generations with fewer issues. A good example is the Bonsai tree, which can thrive for hundreds of years under proper care. Japan has Bonsai trees that have been around for more than 800 years. The Japanese white pine tree is one of the famous Bonsai tree varieties, believed to have survived the Hiroshima bombing in 1945. The National Bonsai and Penjing Museum in Washington DC, USA, displays this plant.
So, do plants die of old age? Some trees die of old age but can survive for generations under proper care. Apart from the varieties mentioned above, other plant types can also live much longer, with owners passing them down through generations. Examples include the following:
Jade plants (Crassula)
Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera)
Rubber plants (Ficus elastic)
Snake plants (Sanseveria)
Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata bostoniensis)
Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum)
Weeping Fig (Ficus Benjamina)
The Weeping Fig, Spider Plant, and Snake Plant can live for 20 years and more with proper care. The Philodendron can live for over 40 years, while the Jade Plant and Agave Plant have lifespans of 50 years and more. Like Cast Iron plants, the Christmas Cactus can live for more than a hundred years. So, this partly answers the question, do plants die of old age?
Oak trees are also among the most resilient plant varieties that can last hundreds of years. Giant sequoias and Bristlecone pines also have an almost similar lifespan. However, the Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva), mainly found in Utah, Nevada, highlights the oldest trees. It is estimated to be about 5,065 years old, the longest life expectancy of any plant on earth. And this shows that variety matters when answering the question, do plants die of old age?
Other Factors That Affect Plant Lifespan
Besides growing conditions, variety, and care, plant lifespan also depends on other factors such as natural events, animal damage, and human activities. Natural phenomena such as flooding, wildfires, and droughts can stunt plant growth and even indefinitely end the plants’ life. Besides, animal intrusion can also damage the plants and the surrounding areas, curtailing their growth significantly. Sometimes, animals can eat or destroy the entire plant, killing it slowly over time or instantly. Thus, human and animal activities are vital considerations when answering the question, do plants die of old age?
Sometimes, you may accidentally destroy parts of the plant when trimming or even doing other chores. Although damaging essential plant parts such as the flowers and roots can generally lead to stunted growth, it mainly depends on the extent of damage and the stage of development where the plant is.
That’s because destroying a few roots when the plant is already mature may have little impact on its lifespan. Alternatively, extensive damage to the roots of a small rooting plant can kill it very quickly. So, are you still asking, do plants die of old age? Many factors can determine what kills a tree.
How Do Trees Die Naturally?
Answering the question, do plants die of old age reddit users note it can be confusing to tell whether a plant is dying from natural causes or other factors. The following are the main ways to know that your plant has reached old age and is dying naturally.
One way to tell that your plant is dying of old age is when the leaves begin to dry out. Besides, you will also notice the leaves falling off, changing colors, showing spots, and other signs of damage. That could mean the plant is starving and lacks the nutrients it needs to grow.
Dry or mushy roots are also signs of an aging plant. Mushrooms growing near the plant usually suggest excessive moisture that can harm its health.
The plant’s lifespan
It is also essential to check the general lifespan of the plant in question before marking it as old. For example, if your plant is among the annuals and shows the above signs after twelve months, you should consider it old and dying.
You may have wanted to answer the question, do plants die of old age, or do trees die of old age? Or, you might have wanted to learn more about trees. Regardless of the case, this article has provided all the necessary information about plant lifespan. At this point, you’re no longer wondering, do trees die of old age? Additionally, you have the essential information to help you choose the plant to grow in your garden, home, or commercial property.
What causes plants to die of old age?
Plant growth is indeterminate, but all plants eventually die of old age after they have reached their lifespan. The leaves and roots of old plants usually dry out gradually, causing a natural death.
Do plants have a lifespan?
Yes, plants have a lifespan. However, every plant’s lifespan depends on several factors, including its growing conditions, variety, and care. Natural events and animal and human activities can also affect the lifespan of plants.
What is the average lifespan of a plant?
Plants can grow for several months, years, decades, and even centuries, sometimes surpassing their general lifespans under the right conditions and care. However, the average lifespan of a plant mainly depends on its variety. Nonetheless, trees have a minimum lifespan of 10 years.
Do plant leaves eventually die?
The leaves of old plants dry out and eventually die through a natural process. However, people can propagate some old plant leaves to produce new plants.
What is the oldest living plant?
While various suggestions exist, people consider Posidonia Australis the most prominent and oldest plant alive. Found in Australia’s Shark Bay, many believe the resilient and ancient seagrass is at least 4,500 years old.
What is the plant that never dies?
Many botanists and researchers say Welwitschia or “tweeblaarkanniedood,” meaning “two leaves that cannot die” in Afrikaans, is the plant that never dies. It continuously grows only two leaves that can last for millenniums.